I have managed to purchase unique cooling device that I saw when I was in the UK last. A Maxi210 is a refrigeration device that cools a reservoir of chilled water, it has a pump that pumps the water through your provided tubing to chill firkins, pins or a beer engines cooling jacket. I have stainless saddles for two pins and one firkin already in my stash of real ale stuff.

Well, the new chiller arrived. It was shipped with a thin sheet of plastic wrap around it. It’s quite banged up.

I replaced the original (almost a fixed) temperature controller with a Okeler AC 220V LCD Digital Temperature Controller. Now I have better temperature control. I will use the boxes built in pump to circulate the boxes’ reservoir of cold water through the cooling saddles on my casks.

Closer shot of the box. The four tubes below the flow and return allow you to use this unit as a cold plate for cooling beer.
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